Ethiopian poverty reduction

Ethiopian family in Addis Ababa. With support and education they are self-sufficient in vegetables.

Worko Jambo heads the youth organization, Redeem The Generation, in the Oromo region.

Women in the Afar region meet to talk about how to stop female genital mutilation.

Women in the Afar region meet to talk about how to stop female genital mutilation. 75 percent of the country's girls are victims of female genital mutilation.

Knowledge brings changes to the villages.

The criteria for participation of these children are they have lost one or both parents.

Physical training is an important part of the activities.

With a smaller loan and education she can sell what she grows on the market, and for the first time in many years her family can eat real food.

Almaz Tumero used her loan to buy sheep and goats for 400 birr and selling them for 900 birr.

Ethiopian poverty reduction
YEAR 2017
ASSIGNED BY Swedish Embassy Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Despite that the repressive Ethiopian regime not allowing organizations working with human rights, the civil society organizations in Ethiopia has delivered innovative services to the marginalized and underserved people and communities in cooperation with Swedish support. The cooperation emphasizes human rights, gender equality and poverty reduction. The Swedish program has, through nine Civil Society organizations and so called umbrella modalities, reached more than 150 smaller and evolving civil organizations throughout Ethiopia.
Through individual interviews on the ground among affected people the book seeks to illustrate the conditions for people living under challenging circumstances in the communities throughout the country.