Photography x 14. Slideshows from around the world.
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Gerilla soldier took his helmet from a killed Ethiopian soldier. Gondar province of Ethiopia 1987.

Landscape in the city of Senafe on the eritrea highland during the war.

Gerilla warriors from the Ethiopian resistance group EPRP in Gondar Province 1987.

Massawa 1990. Remains after what is supposed to be Ethiopian generals.

Decamhare, trenches at the last front of the thirty years of 1990.

Animals and humans became victims during the war.

Fallen Ethiopian soldier at the Tsorona Front.

Trenches like the First World War here we Tsorona the front between Ethiopia and Eritrea.

Ethiopian child soldier fallen at the Tsoronfront.

On the way back home from Ethiopia when the war is over after thirty years.

On the way back home from Sudan when the war is over after thirty years.

At dusk, the Ethiopian bombings cease and the market can open again. Segeneiti, Eritea 1990.

Farmer family in the small village of Mai weini in Eritrea.

Christian orthodox ceremony in the dawn during the war. Adi Qaie, Eritrea 1990.

Christian orthodox ceremony in the dawn during the war. Adi Qaie, Eritrea 1990.

Fill Fill area on the way to Massawa.

Scenerie in Fill Fill area on our way to Massawa.

Peace is celebrated. Generals from Sudan in capital Asmara, participate in Eritrea's celebration of the liberation after thirty years of war.

Discotheque in Eritrea's capital Asmara 1995.

A beer at the bar and life is back to normal in the town of Keren after thirty years of war.

Landscape in Eritrea.

Keren, early morning.

Ethnic group Rashaida in the Eritrean lowland.

Reconstruction of the country after thirty years of war. Damm under construction in Embaderho.

Landscape in Fill Fill on the way to Massawa.
Eritrea. 1987-2009
Sweden's relation to Eritrea is a long story. A story that begins with Sweden's first missionaries arriving with their ship to Eritrea's port Massawa in 1866. The chronicle of Eritrea is a story of colonization, oppression and war. After Italia’s colonizing, thirty years of war against Ethiopian occupation took place, ending with liberation 1991. Seven years later another devastating war against the new ruler of Ethiopia started.

Bangladesh. Ruma Akhter, 22 years, with her little daughter Tanni 3 days old.

Bangladesh. A woman giving birth to her child at Dhaka Medical Collage Hospital.

Bangladesh. Sajid Khan with his son Nasid Khan.

Sweden. Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge January 25, 2011, 6.30 PM.

Sweden. Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge January 25, 2011, 8.11 PM.

Sweden. Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge, October 22, 2011, 4.05 PM.

Sweden. Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge, January 25, 2011, 6.57 PM.

Sweden. Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge, October 22, 2011, 4.26 PM.

Sweden. Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge, October 22, 2011, 4.26 PM.

Sweden. Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge, January 25, 2011, 7.07 PM.

Sweden. Karolinska University Hospital Huddinge October 22, 2011, 4.30 PM.

Afghanistan. Midwifery students in the city of Aibak in the province Samangang.

Afghanistan. Midwifery at the institute of Health Science Midwifery Programme in Kabul.

Afghanistan. Midwifery students in the city of Aibak in the province Samangang.

Afghanistan. Women's Hospital in Kabul.

Afghanistan. Mazar-e-Sharif, north Afghanistan.

Afghanistan. Midwifs at the Women's Hospital in Kabul.

In the service of life. 2011
The maternal mortality is one of our biggest challenges in the world today due to the lack of midwives. In 1711 Sweden, as the first country in the world, established regulations for midwives to be trained and examined and swear an oath. To be bound by oath meant an undertaking always to support women in childbirth whether rich or poor, high or low.

The Wall in Abu Dis, Westbank.

Dad Amer with the youngest son on his way home from school.

The wall has taken three quarters of Assad Arafat's commercial garden in Qalqylia.

Dorothy and her husband, Israel Naer, from Israel are supporting the Palestinian family Amer living in the West Bank, now caught by the illegal wall.

Thirty Jewish activists trying to stop the wall are arrested.

The Israeli army in attack against Israeli and Palestinian demonstrators.

22 houses have been demolished by Israel in the Palestinian village of Walaja.


In the city of Abu Dis, the wall separates the Palestinian families from each other.

Thirty Jewish activists trying to stop the wall are arrested.

The TV antenna and the tree are all seen by Abu Mohammed's house.
The wall. 2005
Israel's wall grows inexorably longer and divide Palestinian villages and towns. In its shadow settlers strengthens their grip over Palestinian land. The entire Palestinian society is fragmented. The wall has changed the lives of the Palestinian population dramatically.

Caffè Greco, Italy, opened 250 years ago and is the oldest café in Rome.

Coffee harvest in Brazil.

New planting and rejuvenation of coffee growing on the Rainha farm in Paçoa de Caldas.

Coffee harvested in Indonesia. The "skeleton" pruning of the trees is typical for Indonesia.

Coffee harvested in Indonesia.

Coffee harvested in Brazil with the milking method, where you stripping all coffee, matured or not, from the branch.

Export stock of coffee in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Coffee on the go on Manhattan, New York.

In northern Sweden, many people drink what is called "kokkaffe." Here the Sami woman, Anna Kuhmunen, boils her coffee above the polar circle.

Coffee and Nargile at the café in Instanbul, Turkey.

Ethiopian family performing the traditional coffee ceremony in Ethiopia.

Ethiopian family roasting their coffee.

Caffè Greco, Italy, opened 250 years ago and is the oldest coffee caffet in Rome.

Café Erenler Nargile in Istanbul, Turkey.

View from the coffee traders at Pen Plaza 44th floor, Manhattan, New York, USA.

Coffee of the Robusta variety

Indonesian family dries their coffee on the ground.

Coffee farmers with small farms, weigh their coffee harvest before selling to the cooperative.

Coffee farmers with small farms, weigh their coffee harvest before selling to the cooperative.

Harvested coffee cherries in Indonesia.

Coffee harvest at the farm La Cumplida in Nicaragua.

The end of a day after a day's harvest of coffee in Nicaragua on the farm La Cumplida.

Coffee production in Indonesia.

New harvested coffee.

Brazil. Tipping of coffee collected at the cooperative Guaxupés members in the region.

Harvest in Paços de Caldas, Brazil.

Mature coffee sherries of the red bourbon variety from Brazil.

Cultivation area for coffee in New South Wales, Australia

Matagalpa, Nicaragua.
Coffee. 2017
Every day, 3.1 million cups of coffee are consumed in the world. 25 million growers and 125 million people works with coffee in one way or another making sure we get our coffee every morning. In a rural Ethiopian village, on the streets of Manhattan or in Swedish homes – coffee all over the world plays an important role in people's lives.

Ethiopian family in Addis Ababa. With support and education they are self-sufficient in vegetables.

Worko Jambo heads the youth organization, Redeem The Generation, in the Oromo region.

Women in the Afar region meet to talk about how to stop female genital mutilation.

Women in the Afar region meet to talk about how to stop female genital mutilation. 75 percent of the country's girls are victims of female genital mutilation.

Knowledge brings changes to the villages.

The criteria for participation of these children are they have lost one or both parents.

Physical training is an important part of the activities.

With a smaller loan and education she can sell what she grows on the market, and for the first time in many years her family can eat real food.

Almaz Tumero used her loan to buy sheep and goats for 400 birr and selling them for 900 birr.

Ethiopia poverty reduction. 2017
Despite the Ethiopian regime not allowing organizations working with human rights, the civil society organizations have delivered innovative services to the marginalized and under served people and communities, emphasizing human rights, gender equality and poverty reduction.

Lebanon. Refugee camp Shatila Beirut 2016.

Lebanon. Syrian refugee camp Deir Zeinon Bekaadalen 2016.

Serbia. October 2015. Refugees arriving by bus to Serbia at the border with Croatia. In the beginning of the crisis mostly young men fled. Now everyone. Old, young, sick, disabled, grandparents, whole families with pregnant women and babies.

The refugee camp MAR ELIAS in Beirut in 2016. The family fled from Aleppo in Syria.

Hungaria, Hegyeshalom October 2015. Z. Three kilometers walk to the border with Austria, to Nickelsdorf

Lebanon. Zahle/Bekaadalen. Tassger Camp. Syrian refugees March 2016.

Lebanon. A provisional school in the Syrian refugee camp Ketermaya in Zahle Bekaadalen, Lebanon 2016.

Lebanon. 1,000 refugee families from Syria have moved into what would become a Muslim university in the city of Saida in southern Lebanon.

Hungaria. October 2015.Refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq arrive by train to the Hungarian border station Hegyeshalom, three kilometers walk to the border with Austria, to Nickelsdorf, for further transportation by bus to Vienna.

Hungaria. October 2015.Refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq arrive by train to the Hungarian border station Hegyeshalom, three kilometers walk to the border with Austria, to Nickelsdorf, for further transportation by bus to Vienna.

Hungaria. October 2015. Refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq arrive by train to the Hungarian border station Hegyeshalom. The Red Cross distribute food, water, clothes, shoes and other necessities.

Serbia. October 2015. Refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq arrives by bus to the Serbian/Croatian border from Macedonia and Belgrade.

Austria, Nickelsdorf. October 2015.Nidal Awad, from Syria. Refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq arrive by train with his daughter to the Hungarian border station Hegyeshalom.

Serbia. October 2015. Mal and Mitra Jelali, från Afghanistan, with their two children, 9 month and 3 years, waiting at the Serbian/Croatian border.

Hungaria, October 2015. Hegyeshalom. Zuhir Mahmoud, 33 years from Syria, two sons, 1.5 year and 5 years. Three kilometers walk to the border with Austria, to Nickelsdorf

Serbia. October 2015. Mitra Jelali, från Afghanistan seriously injured by a grenade that hit her house, at the Serbian/Croatian border.

Beqaa valley, Lebanon
Refugees. 2016
Hungary, Austria, Serbia, Croatia, Lebanon, Islamic State
From the beginning only young and strong men came. When the bombs fell everyone was forced to flee, rich and poor. Now, entire families, the disabled, the sick, grandparents, pregnant women with babies are risking their lives at the Mediterranean Sea.
Estonia. 1995
No one understood. When they woke up in the morning it was already over. The Russian ruble had been converted into Estonian crowns while the old people were sleeping and the money no longer had any value. One's life's savings disappeared in a beautiful sunrise. The question how an old women or man should pay for their food, firewood, clothes and pay the house rent, could not longer be answered.

Raisa is a song teacher at the Jewish kindergarten in Simferopol.

Burial place for mafia leaders in Crimea.

Aaron prays in the synagogue in Simferopol, the capital of Crimea.

Crimea, Simferopol.

An anonymous voice tells about the Mafia in the Crimea.

Raisa in her home in Simferopol.

Boris in the synagogue in Simferopol.

The city of Sevastopol in the Crimea.

Raisa showing photos of her soon Georgiy.

The mafia controls the crimea.

The city of Sevastopol in the Crimea.

Simferopol. The capital of Crimea,

Simferopol. The Capital of Crimea.
Crimea. 2015
What happened in Crimea after the Russian occupation? Can people make a living? Do they have food? Initially the Russian government charmed Crimean residents with positive action. Pensions were raised to 15 000 rubles, higher than the teachers' salaries. First things went better, then worse.

Palestinian demonstration in Greece after Israel bombed the PLO ship that were supposed to bring deported Palestinians from Athens back to Haifa in Israel.

Ramallah. Second Intifada.

Betlehem, Second Intifada.

Ramallah. Second Intifada.

Hebron. Second Intifada.

Ramallah. Second Intifada November 2000.

Ramallah. Second Intifada November 2000.

Betlehem. Second Intifada.

Ramallah. Second Intifada.

Jericho. First intifada.

Ramallah. Second Intifada.

Ramallah. Second Intifada.

Lebanon. Four-year-old Ali became parental after Israel's bombing of the UN-camp in Kaana.

Her whole family died when Israel bombed the UN-camp in Kaana.

The refugee camp Nahr el-Bared in Lebanon.

Palestinians in Gaza. First intifada.

Gaza January 1996. Palestinians vote in the first Palestinian elections ever.

Westbank. The Israeli settlement Kedar

Jenin, after the siege of Israel.

Ramallah. Second Intifada.

Jenin, after the siege of Israel.

An Israeli grenade hit the bedroom of the family Hussein in Beit Jala. Second intifada.

Lebanon. The Palestinian refugee camp Shatila in Beirut.

Ramallah. Second Intifada..

Jerusalem. Palestinians celebrate the Oslo agreement on September 13, 1993.

Jericho. Turmoil when Palestinians celebrate the Oslo agreement on September 13, 1993.

Jericho. Turmoil when Palestinians celebrate the Oslo agreement on September 13, 1993.

Jericho. Turmoil when Palestinians celebrate the Oslo agreement on September 13, 1993.

Gaza January 1996. Palestinians vote in the first Palestinian elections ever.

Lebanon. The Palestinian refugee camp Shatila in Beirut.

Israeli authorities demolish Bedouin's house.

PLO Chairman Yassir Arafat in his head quarter in Tunis.

Gaza January 1996. PLO Chairman Yassir Arafat vote in the first Palestinian elections ever.

Gaza. Palestinians celebrate the Oslo agreement on September 13, 1993.
Inshallah. 1987–2017
Hardly a day goes without the "Middle East" appearing in the news headlines. Media has reported from the ongoing conflict for more than six decades. Today, the flame of peace is becoming increasingly weaker.

Good Friday in the Armenian Orthodox ST. James Cathedral, Jerusalem.

Jewish prayer at the wailing wall, Jerusalem.

Damaskus Gate, Jerusalem. September 13, 1993 when the Palestinian flag was allowed by Israel.

Muslim in prayer on a street in east Jerusalem.

Baptism, Armenian Orthodox Church The holy oil, Myron, is blessed and dripped into the water to form the sign of the cross.

September 13, 1993. At the Palestinian headquarter, Orient House, Palestinians gathered to celebrate the peace agreement.

Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem.

When the Oslo agreement was to be signed in Washington, Palestinians and Israelis gathered together at the Hotel American Colony in Jerusalem for a joint celebration.

Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem. The twenty-seventh night during Ramadan is the Holy Night, when prophet Mohammed was commissioned by Archangel Gabriel to start Islam.
Jerusalem. 1992
Jerusalem, a crossroads between the Orient and the West, desert and coast, God and human. Contested, conquered and devastated. Divided and ruled by Christians, Jews and Muslims since ancient times. Since the US President today recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, tensions in the region are increasing dramatically.

Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan November 2013.

The town of Tacloban on the island of Leyte, after Typhoon Haiyan November 2013.

The village of Basey on the island of Samar after Typhoon Haiyan November 2013.

The city of Tacloban after Typhoon Haiyan November 2013.

Hospital of Basey on the island of Samar after Typhoon Haiyan November 2013.

The Swedish anesthetist physician Leif Zarnowiecki at the Red Cross field hospital in Basey on the island of Samar.

Hospital of Basey on the island of Samar after Typhoon Haiyan November 2013.

40 days after the typhoon memorial ceremonies was held for the dead.

The village of Basey on the island of Samar after Typhoon Haiyan November 2013.

Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan November 2013.

The city of Tacloban after Typhoon Haiyan November 2013.
The Philippine Typhoon. 2013
"We thought it was the end of the world", people on island of Leyte says. "We prayed for forgiveness for our sins when we gathered us into the inferno for to die together". First the super typhoon crushed most things in its path, and then the sea came and took the rest.

Earthquake made 1.3 million Haitians homeless.

In total, 20,000 emergency housing will be built and it is urgent to get ready before the rainy season culminates.

The remains of what once was the capital must be transported away and rebuilt.

The homeless people have already had a hunch of what is expected later, the rain began month earlier than usual.

The earthquake in Haiti in 2010 had a magnitude of about 7.8 on the Richter scale.

In total, 20,000 emergency housing will be built and it is urgent to get ready before the rainy season culminates.

The Prime Minister of Haiti, Jean-Max Bellerive has reported 212,000 confirmed deaths, and about 300,000 injured.

The earthquake creates mental discomfort that manifests itself in expressions of stomach cataracts, headaches and insomnia.

When people in thousands crowded together in tent camps, the possibility to go to the bathroom and wash their hands is not easy.

Water and logistics are among the most important to assist the victims of Haiti.

Even before the earthquake, 70 percent of the population was out of work in Haiti.

Somewhere to live, toilets and water supply must be arranged before the rain and the hurricane season hits the Haitians.

"When the skyfall comes in, I'm crawling into a corner under my cotton fabric, and there I stay all night, say 70-year-old Myrtha

Haiti earthquake. 2010
The 2010 earthquake made 1.3 million Haitians homeless. Now, there is a race against time to prevent a second disaster. Shelter, toilets and water supply must be arranged before the rain and the hurricane season starts.


South Africa.

Democratic Republic of Kongo. DRC. A lumbar puncture is performed on an HIV-patient in order to diagnose infections.

Guatemala. District number 9 is the area of transsexual prostitution in Guatemala City.

Haiti. The annual carnival in Port au Prince.

Zambia. Lusaka.

Ukraine. Daria was 4 years old when both her two parents died in Aids.

After Darias mother and father died in Aids, she lives with her grandmother in Kiev.

South Africa. Johannesburg. 75 of the children at the kindergarten in the township of Alex have diagnosis HIV.

Ukraine. Svetlana, mother of four children has diagnosed HIV.

Ukraine. Svetlana, mother of four children has diagnosed HIV, lives with her new man, Igor at ten square meters

USA. San Francisco. Janelle 45 years old, was infected by her boyfriend.

USA. San Francisco. Janelle 45 years old, was infected by her boyfriend and feels very strongly of the stigmatization against those diagnosed with HIV.

Democratic Republic of Kongo. DRC. Fidel and his girlfriend Lav Re Kitanu lives both with HIV.

Malawi. In Malawi, 14 percent of the population between 15-49 years, lives with HIV.

South Africa. Johannesburg. South Africa. The Alexandra Township in Johannesburg.

Democratic Republic of Kongo. DRC. Desire fell in love with Maguy even though she has HIV.

South Africa. Johannesburg. 75 of the children at the kindergarten in the township of Alex have a diagnosis HIV.

South Africa. Fifty people are dying to death every day in South Africa. Here in Alexandra Township in Johannesburg.

Democratic Republic of Kongo. DRC. HIV-patient at the clinic of Doctors Without Borders in Kinshasa, who now developed AIDS.

Skyline of Johannesburg, South Africa.

Haiti, Port au Prince. UNICEF estimates that approximately 140,000 Haitians lives with HIV or AIDS. About 8-10,000 of them die each year.
HIV in the world. 2009
What does an HIV-infected person look like? Have a look in the mirror. HIV can affect anyone, young, old, rich, poor. Every day, more than 7000 people worldwide catch the infection HIV.

Cold Meze. Ardishoki with lemon and garlic marinad.

The nightclubs and the bars are part of Beirut's identity.

Main courses. Fitile ghanam. Marinated and whole-grilled lamb fillet with feta sauce.

Desserts. Baklava. Pastry with nuts and syrup.

Warm Meze. Warak Inab. Stuffed grape leaves with minced meat filling.

Desserts. Riz call halib. Lebanese rice á la malta with pistachio nuts.

Cold Meze. Baba ganoush. Stir on eggplant, peppers, garlic and lemon.

Soups. Shorbat de jez. Chicken soup with paprika, mushrooms and rice.

Beirut by the sea.

The wine cellar at Chateau Musar in Gazir not far from Beirut. The wine bottles in the picture are vintage 1933.

Diana Salameh Khalil, winmaker at Domaine Wardy in Zahlé Bekaa walley.

Main courses. Sfine mishvie. Marinated grilled chicken.

Cold Meze. Hummus. Stir on chickpeas and sesame pasta/tahina, seasoned with cumin.

Cold Meze. Tabbouli. Chopped parsley with tomato, onion, bulgur and lemon.

Desserts. Layali lubnan. "Lebanese nights". with semolina, pistachios and whipped cream.

Desserts. Katayef riz bel halib. Fried sweet phyllo with ice cream.

La Corniche, boardwalk of Beirut.

Byblos. Lebanon.

Hamra, downtown Beirut.

Byblos. Lebanon.
Divine Cousine/Mat för Gudar. 2015/2003
Lebanon a small country with a big kitchen. The Lebanese food is perfectly made for improvisations, never strong just tasty with a symphony of flavors. To sit under the grapevines in a restaurant in the Middle East and enjoying the food is one of the things I like the most. The studio photos of the food are made together with Ewa Stackelberg.